Two weeks ago I introduced you my favorite Fitnessaccounts, last week there was Fashion and now we go on with FOOD.
Denise is a professional foodstylist and that you can see when looking at her pics. Literally every picture looks like you want to sit by her side and try her food. The recipes you find most of the time just below the pic or at her blog- go, check her out!
I follow Chrissi from Vienna since the very beginning. I just love her attitude (which you can already guess from her accountname), her beautiful foodpics and I love to get inspired with her account!
Watch out vegans! Laras account is one of my favorite: Always healthy, always vegan and always super delicious! All recipes you find right below the pics and she even offers an ebook!
I hardly understand a word at Hannas instagram account (she speaks swedish) and the account isn´t vegan at all- but I just L O V E her pics and how she photographes her food. Almost every time I screenshot her food and am like: I am going to cook that in vegan (of course I rarely do this, but hey- it´s something 😉 )
So, Profile angeschaut, Ergebnis: hunger 😀
Herzliche Grüße, Frauke von
Franziska Elea
Gerade deinen Blog entdeckt, ich bin begeistert 🙂 Tolle Tipps, werde gleich mal vorbeischauen! Wünsche dir noch einen schönen Abend <3
Liebe Grüße,
liebe was ist
das Profil von _deniserenee_ finde ich auch wunderbar, es ist eben total schön Instgramprofile zu sehen, die aus der selben Stadt kommen 🙂
Vanillacrunch fande ich aber auch total bezaubernd!
<3 Tina