Oktober, 2015

Hello Paris!

Heute ist schon der vorletzte Tag in Paris und ich komme erst jetzt dazu, euch mein allererstes Outfit, das ich dort getragen habe zu…

Drink. more.

We all know how important it is to drink enough. But how do you make sure to do it day by day? Simple for…

Trink #BesserWasser

Dass (viel) Wasser trinken wichtig ist, wissen wir mittlerweile alle, oder? Wie kriegt man es aber hin, am Tag auch wirklich genug zu trinken?…

Wiesn Madness Part 2

May I introduce you my selfmade Dirndl number two: it is totally different from what I did before: traditional, with lacing and even braided….

O’zopft is

This Saturday we heard it for the first time this year: „O’zapft is“! The Oktoberfest, located in Munich opened the doors and thousands of…

TechnoGym HQ / Cesena

It’s been almost two weeks, since I went for a short trip into the south. Together with Laura from RunMunichRun and some other bloggers from all…